Compositeur, guitariste et claviers Thierry Müller (Ilitch, Ruth, Crash, Moore/Müller…) est toujours à l’affût de nouvelles expériences et collaborations passant de la Pop à l’expérimental et à leurs transitoires. Il compte parmi ses fans des gens comme Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots), Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth,…), Tim Gane (Stereolab), Steven Stapleton (Nurse With Wound)…
Composer, guitar and keyboard player Thierry Müller (Ilitch, Ruth, Crash, Moore/Müller …) is always on the lookout for new experiences and collaborations from pop to experimental and their transient. Among his fans are people like Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots), Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth, …), Tim Gane (Stereolab), Steven Stapleton (Nurse With Wound) …